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A Guide to the Best Hikes in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina Island)


Updated: Jul 16, 2024

L-R; Trilha Do Dolmén Da Oração, Trilha Praia do Gravatá

Florianópolis, known as 'Magic Island', 'the surfing capital of Brazil' and most often simply 'Floripa', is located mainly on Santa Catarina Island in southern Brazil. Some of Floripa is technically on mainland Brazil, but most of the magic is located on the island. Stunning beaches, scenic coastal hikes and lush jungle with some of the most diverse flora and fauna in the world are just some of the things Floripa is known for.

Best Hikes in Floripa 

Stunning views, salty breezes, nature and wildlife.

If this is your thing, you'll love hiking in Florianópolis! Each hike varies in difficulty and duration from easy strolls to feeling like you're lost in the middle of a rainforest while you trek a very questionable path. Whatever kind of hike you're looking for, Floripas got it! Some hikes on the island even lead to an incredible beach where you can go for a swim as a refreshing reward! We went on a different hike nearly every weekend for the two months we were there and yet I still can't wait to go back and do more.

1) Trilha Praia do Gravatá 

Trail level: Easy

Parking: Nearby, or along the road near the entrance (best if you have a motorcycle, cars can get ticketed if on the sidewalk)

Trilha Praia do Gravatá (Gravatá Beach Trail) on Santa Catarina Island in Florianópolis Brazil

This scenic trail leads to a gorgeous beach (Praia do Gravatá/Gravatá Beach) and is one of the top hikes in Florianópolis. The trail itself is either referred to as Trilha Praia do Gravatá or Caminho dos Pescadores. The trail begins just off the road of Rodovia Jornalista Manoel de Menezes near Lagoa da Conceiçã. It starts as a long uphill concrete pathway with signs indicating it is the right place that soon leads to the Atlantic forest. When you get to the top of the hill as the trail begins to even out, there is a viewpoint to the left of Mole Beach (another very popular beach). It is slightly hidden so be sure to look out for it as you reach the top!

Overlook of Mole Beach on Santa Catarina Island in Florianópolis Brazil

To get to Gravatá Beach it takes between 40 minutes to 1 hour depending how fast you walk and how often you stop to admire the view or take pictures. The trail starts upwards which is the hardest part of the journey until you reach the overlook of Mole Beach. Then the trail is pleasently straight with views of the vast blue ocean and surrounding lush mountains until you ultimately descend towards the beach. Upon arrival you can swim, look for otters (they often hang out here), check out the rocky cliff-side views and possibly watch the tightrope walkers before heading back. There is a few times where there is a fork in the path as you near the beach - they all have the same destination, but some lead to a slightly longer path than the others if you'd like to extend your hike. The shortest paths are the ones nearest the ocean and the longer ones fork a bit further inland.

2) Trilha Do Dolmén Da Oração

Trail level: Easy-Medium (Depending on starting point)

Parking: At the IMMA Trail Entrance

Trilha Do Dolmén Da Oração (Dolmén of Prayer Trail) on Santa Catarina Island in Florianópolis Brazil

Trilha Do Dolmén Da Oração, roughly translated to the Prayer of Dolmén Trail, is the most mystical trail in Floripa (Santa Catarina Island is called the Island of Magic after all!) You can begin the trail from three different places, either through the IMMA trail entrance (which is what we chose - it's the easiest and fastest route), through the Boa Vista Trail (the longest route), or from Praia da Galheta (the most difficult route).

We began the route through the IMMA entrance, which is next to a small canal that branches from Lagoa da Conceiçã. The area to get in here is run by the IMMA institute, so there is a small maintenance fee to get in at around 15 reals ($2.95 USD) and it is very much worth it. The views are breathtaking, and there is a platform with a 360 degree view of Santa Catarina island.

The stones and the Dolmén of Prayer:

Once you get to the top of the mountain, you are in a sacred place. Called either "networks of Christ ", "Ley lines", or "nervous systems of the earth", many of the stones are placed together in such a way that they are part of a network of astronomical calendars that were created thousands of years ago.

Three sets of stones at the Dolmén of Prayer are at a star observation platform that mark the alignment of the sun at the beginning of the seasons; they perfectly align with the winter solstice, summer solstice and equinoxes.

Trilha Do Dolmén Da Oração (Dolmén of Prayer Trail) on Santa Catarina Island in Florianópolis Brazil

Image from the IMMA Institute Website   (1st photo - Equinox Sunrise, 2nd photo - Equinox Sunset)

Another set of stones - a large stone set upon three smaller ones - has a bed beneath that allows you to see the sunrise and main stars of the tropics. The opening of the stones is also a perfect point to see to see the pleiades (a star cluster famously known as the Seven Sisters), the belt of Orion (a pattern of stars known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters) and Siriús (the brightest star in the Earths night sky).

While you are up there, I recommend embracing a stone called the Menir Centra; it is embraced by visitors because it is said to emanate good and positive energies.

Daily life was once regulated by astronomical activities, and these mountains were once used as sacred temples as a way of getting closer to the deities. Many people have believed these sacred temples, formed with stones in the shape of altars, can be or have been portals to communicate with celestial beings. If you're lucky you can witness a spiritual ceremony taking place at the top of the mountain which, from what I've heard, happens fairly often.

3) Trilha da Lagoinha do Leste

Trail Level: Medium-Difficult

Parking: Nearby

Trilha da Lagoinha do Leste on Santa Catarina Island in Florianópolis Brazil

To get a clear idea of the overlook at the end of this hike, use your imagination and picture a long, distant beach and vast blue ocean in place of the fog! This was one of the most memorable hikes I've ever been on, mostly because it was so chaotic and we didn't know what we were getting into! The trail begins at the top of a smaller road just off the main road. To find it, coming from the nearby parking lot there is a sign along the main road that says "Trilha Lagoinha, Proxima Rua" with an arrow pointing towards the direction of the smaller road where the trail begins. Note that 'proxima rua' means 'next road' in Portuguese, so it is not the road directly next to the sign, but the one after that! We thought the sign was indicating it was the road directly next to it, so we walked all the way down it before a kind local told us it was the wrong road. It will be the uphill road with large, yellow arrows.

We did check the weather before going, I swear, and it said it wasn't supposed to rain (only to be cloudy as we were in a shoulder season) but we ended up caught in a storm while trekking through what felt like the middle of a rainforest. However I must say the rain made it 10x more fun because it was raining in a rainforest - come on, doesn't that sound cool? The sounds of the rain, birds and wind took me out of reality and I wanted to stay in there forever! It is a difficult hike being that there isn't much of a path for a while in the jungle as you near the lookout - you're rather just walking over tree roots and rocks - but many people hike here every day so don't let that deter you.

Lush jungle on Santa Catarina Island in Florianópolis Brazil

After walking for around 45 minutes you'll come to a fork in the path - one that begins going downhill and another that continues on the right. If you choose to go downhill you'll end up at the beautiful Lagoinha do Leste Beach, and if you go to the right as we did you will end up at a cliffside overlook that has a gorgeous view of said beach (clearly, the view is dependent on the weather! Lol!). We did not go down to the beach, but if you skip the overlook and go right to the beach you won't be going through nearly as much rainforest. It takes around another 45 minutes from the fork to get to the overlook, bringing the total hiking time to about 1.5 hours. It can be super slippery during and after the rain so be careful and come prepared with the right shoes. Do not go to the edge of the rocks at the overlook if it is slippery!!  I vlogged the trip and that video is below.


I hope this post helps with your hiking adventures on the gorgeous island of Florianópolis in the south of Brazil. For more information on top things to do in Floripa and a guide to its top beaches, visit my other Florianópolis blog posts linked below!

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